
TTCIH is located in the Kilombero valley to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park a 7 –hour drive or a 1-hour flight from Dar-es-salaam. The centre boasts the following quality services and facilities.
  • Faculty of 7 medical specialists with expertise in internal medicine, pediatrics, ophthalmology, emergency medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and expanding expertise in non – communicable diseases
  • Course curriculum development and eLearning expertise
  • Fully- equipped training rooms for 40 – 50 participants with wireless internet, flip charts, computer, project etc,
  • Auditorium for more than 120 participants
  • Teaching laboratory for 13 participants
  • Clinical skills laboratory
  • E-Learning center [connected to the national fiber optic cable.
  • Library and information resource centre with 20 computers.
  • Quality accommodation and catering for group of up 50 participants.
  • Excursions to nearby national parks and other attractions.

Portable Mobile Learning System (PMLS) implementation Review Workshop to draw the lessons learned from implementing sites, the workshop was held in Dodoma Institute of Health and Allied Sciences (DIHAS) from 24-25 June, 2021.

The new Flora Kessy Hall at the TTCIH has been erected through a grant by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland. It commemorates the good work of the late Prof. Flora Kessy, the TTCIH director from 2017 to 2020

Graduation ceremony and certificates award of three- months training on Emergency Obstretics and Newborn care (EmONC) for participants from Dodoma.