Events Photos

TTCIH Executive Director, Dr. Fabian Mghanga and Finance Manager, Erick Lello were humbled and honored to have participated in a courtesy visit at the Swiss Embassy. The purpose of the visit was to discuss potential areas of collaboration in providing health services in rural settings. The Swiss Government, through the Swiss Development Cooperation and Swiss TPH has been long-standing Partner in advancing the health sector in Tanzania.
We are eager to further engage and collaborate with the Swiss government and its agencies to strengthen the health sector in our country.

The TTCIH Executive Director, Dr. Fabian P. Mghanga exchanging documents with Tanzania Midwives Association (TAMA) President Ms. Feddy Mwanga after signing an agreement on Maternal Health Consortium in Dar es Salaam on Friday, 23rd September 2022

The TTCIH Executive Director, Dr Fabian P. Mghanga presenting a certificate of appreciation to the UNFPA Country Representative Mr. Mark Brian Schreiner for supporting TTCIH to strengthen human workforce in the country. The ceremony was held at UNFPA Country Office in Dar es Salaam on the 7th September, 2022

eLearning capacity building for MoH-ICT team on a National eLearning Platform for Health ( The workshop was held from 06/06/2022 to 10 /06/2022 at Centre for Distance Education (CDE) – Morogoro

eLearning Africa 2022
11-13 May 2022 Kigali -Rwanda
Theme: A new purpose for education
The conference was attended by more than 1000 delegates from around the world. TTCIH participated and presented the topic “Use of eLearning to Accelerate CPD among healthcare workers in Tanzania”. Also chaired a Session on Use of Mobile Apps for health




Following an external Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) assessment; the Ministry of Health (through the Directorate of Human Resource Development) and Jhpiego have recognized and awarded the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH), Ifakara a quality prize for health training and services

#11 March 2022

It was wonderful to have the visit of the Novartis team, we warmly welcome them at the Tanzanian International Training Centre (TTCIH)

Respective Maternal Care Innovation Development Award. A workshop to develop case study from previous projects.
Participants : Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH), Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH),Ministry of Health (MoH) , Thamini Uhai, CCBRT, and TAMA
Held from 07-08th March, 2022 at Ramada Resort – Dar es Salaam

Medical ethics, Professionalism and customer care curricular development workshop, 14-18 February 2022 held at NIMR-Ceemi, Dar es Salaam. The workshop was organized by Medical Council of Tanganyika (MCT) Participants: TTCIH( eLearning Team), CDE, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Hubert Kairuki Memorial University, Mount Meru Hospital and Muhimbili National Hospital.

TTCIH eLearning Team with Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC-TZ) Team at Studio in Dar es Salaam Finalizing Voice and Video Recording Activity for the Following Modules; Bottom-up Quantification,  Data Analytics, Health Commodities Revolving Fund (HCRF), ELetronic Management Information System (eLMIS) and Key Perfomance Indicators (KPIs) (22 November up 11  December 2021).

Group Photo with Graduates 2021

Group photo for  Stakeholders meeting  uploading eLearning modules into National eLearning Platform for Health at Edema Conference Centre, Morogoro from 18/10/2021 – 22/10/2021, the workshop was facilitated by TTCIH, MoHCDGEC, PORALG, USAID GHSC-TZ and Pharmacy Council

Group photo for Respective Maternal Care Innovation Development Award workshop 02-03th September,2021 at Ramada Resort- Dar es Salaam. The workshop was to develop case study from previous project that mainstream the Respective maternal care aspects in maternal and newborn care. The workshop was organized by Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH), other participants were Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) and Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC)

Group Photo Graduation ceremony and certificates award of three- months training on Emergency Obstretics and Newborn care (EmONC) for participants from Dodoma. The training was supported by UNFPA

Group Photo (The new Flora Kessy Hall at the TTCIH has been erected through a grant by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland. It commemorates the good work of the late Prof. Flora Kessy, the TTCIH director) from 2017 to 2020.

Group photo  with Dr. Saitore Laizer (Director of Training Department From MoHCDGEC) during Launching of National eLearning Platform for Health (