Mental Health Project

The Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) in collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) based in the United Kingdom and Camara Education (Tanzania) are implementing a research project aiming to assess and address drivers of mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Tanzanian adolescents. The key activities are:

Inception, baseline research and co-creation phases have been completed and adolescents are currently implementing and using the co-designed digital and non-digital interventions. Implementation phase is expected to last for 10 months i.e., February - November 2022 (Figure 1). Of note, the Project Team successfully organized a virtual mid-term dissemination event on 28th June 2022.


Phase 2

Mixed method baseline data collection (5 months)

Phase 5

Mixed method endline data collection, (5 months)

Phase 1

Inception (4 months) – literature review, partnerships / collaboration with relevant authorities

Phase 3 & 4

Co-creation workshops (3 months) & implementation of solutions (10 months).

Phase 6

Research uptake / dissemination (4 months)

What was co-designed at the four participating schools in Morogoro and Mwanza Regions?

Magu: Computer-based program and Clubs
Nyamagana: Mood tracker and Outdoor sports
Mhovu: Computer-based program and Clubs
SUA: Computer-based program and Clubs

This research project is funded by Botnar Foundation and will be implemented between August 2020 and September 2023.