Training Centre for
International Health.

courses in health at national

Training Centre for
International Health.
Why Choose us?
We train, you learn, you practice
The Tanzanian Training Centre for International health (TTCIH) aims at supporting the Tanzanian government’s national health reform policy for strengthening human resource development, through providing quality health training, facilities and services.
“Your Partner in Health Training”

Diploma in Clinical Medicine (Three Years)
The Ordinary Diploma in Clinical Medicine is a comprehensive three-year program. It serves as a fundamental steppingstone in the medical field, aiming to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to competently handle patients.

Diploma in Optometry (Three Years)
Optometry is a health care profession that involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the correction of refractive error with glasses or contact lenses and treatment of eye diseases.

Higher Diploma in Clinical Medicine (Two Years)
The Higher Diploma in Clinical Medicine is a dynamic, flexible program designed to address the rapidly changing needs of society. Its key aim is to equip students with essential skills, knowledge, ....

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Three Years)
The Ordinary Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science is a comprehensive three-year program at the diploma level. This course meticulously trains students in the core principles of the pharmaceutical profession. It provides them with a deep understanding of various

Diploma in Health Information Sciences
Health Information Science is a rigorous three-year program, under by the Ministry of Health. The curriculum, approved by the National Accredited Council for Technical Education (NACTE), is meticulously designed to ensure quality education

Bring Your Course
The TTCIH has expertise in developing and designing course curricula on international health issues in our core areas clinical courses , community health ,maternal and neonatal health, medical education and health management, with expanding
Projects Portfolio
Below are the projects implemented by Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH)
TTCIH-Novartis Familia Nawiri
TTCIH and Novartis International AG based in Switzerland, have signed a Collaboration Agreement to strengthen primary health care for early detection and sustainable quality care management of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Eye Health, Sickle Cell Disease, Epilepsy and Leprosy in Tanzania.
National eLearning Platform for Health
This is project supported by Global Fund for the Ministry of Health (MoH) to develop a unified National eLearning platform for pre and in-service health care workers. TTCIH is leading the technical implementation of the platform www.elearning.moh.go.tz currently the platform has enrolled more than 108131 users from (MCT, TNMC, PC, HLPC council).
Mental Health Project
The Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) in collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) based in the United Kingdom and Camara Education (Tanzania) are implementing a research project aiming to assess and address drivers of mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Tanzanian adolescents
USAID Global Health Supply Chain
This another project implemented by Tanzanian Training Center for International Health with agreement with Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC-TZ)
Accessing Safe Deliveries in Tanzania
This maternal and newborn project was implemented by TTCIH in collaboration with Dalhousie University of Canada.
Data System & Data Use
Preparing a pipeline of health workers for Tanzania’s digital future require strong capacity-building and a skilled workforce. It is critical to plan for this future digital state in the form of trainings and digital tools.
UNFPA eLearning Initiative
In 2016, UNFPA launched a Portable Mobile Learning System (Technology Kit) pilot project. The kit is a portable projector with in-built Android tablet, that eLearning content is loaded into a projector and displayed to class or group of participant.
Emergency Obstetric & Newborn Care
UNICEF has partnered with TTCIH on training health care workers particularly working in rural areas. The healthcare workers were trained on Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC)
Micro Research Social Media Platform
In 2008 the World Health Organisation (WHO) issue “call to action” to address the staggering health needs, especially those of children. Improving health research capacity is a critical goal.
Software Development
TTCIH is also involved in website and web apps development, get a Professional looking website, which conveys quality and professionalism. We walk the extra mile to develop your web apps that are well planned, highly scalable, and secure.